Ministries of Liturgy

William Levington Guild of Acolytes

Acolytes assist the clergy during the celebration of Holy Eucharist and other services. Acolytes carry the crosses, torches, flags, and banners in procession and undertake many other responsibilities. Training is required and is conducted regularly throughout the year. Candidates are male and female — usually from age 9 through high school — but adults are also invited to serve.


Lectors perform an important leadership role in congregational worship by reading the Old and New Testament lessons, the Psalms, and leading the Prayers of the People. Public reading during services can lead to a deeper understanding of the liturgy and traditions of the Episcopal Church as well as a greater knowledge of scripture. It also provides the lector with the opportunity to play an active role in the celebration of communal worship through administering, as a chalicist, the cup of wine in the context of Holy Eucharist.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild oversees the preparation and maintenance of all the altar linens and vessels used during services. Members are responsible for laundering and ironing linens, polishing silver, and setting up for weekly and special services, including weddings and funerals.